---------------///---- Part ||

Solo exhibition at Mou Projects, Hong Kong, 2021

Feed 3.0, 2021
3-channel HD video (color, sound, looped), 4’45’’

T318k V399k 0.1, 2021
Adhesive vinyl
Dimensions Variable

Lau Wai ----------////---- Solo exhibition, Mou Projects, Hong Kong, 2021

Photo credit: South Ho
Video credit: Wu Di 

Featuring works across video, photography, and installation, “- – – – – – – – – – / / / / – – – -” explores how current social conditions and the influences of emerging technologies re-inform and reshape the ways in which we perceive ourselves, construct our memories, and understand the realities.

The three-part installation consists of single and multi-channel videos, photographic prints, and sculptural objects. The large-scale prints are filled with digital pixels generated from 360-degree scans of the artist’s bodies in different forms. The fragmented bodies are the result of inevitable distortion through the computer-generating process from mobile applications. These fragments stream through the work like rivers and waterfalls. The countless data are conjured to form three-dimensional virtual representations of the self, looping in the air.

Moments presented on lightboxes feature past events extracted from the artist’s personal iCloud. They flow through the lit container and struggle to maintain their permanence or visual resolution.

T318k V399k 0.1 and T318k V399k 0.2 are enlarged computer-generated digital representations of the artist dressed in a fake motion capture suit, performing a character named “the Pre-CGI body.” The titles are constructed with letters and numbers, which illustrate how our digitized bodies are named and presented back to us, the users, through the software.

Feed 3.0 is a three-channel video work presenting “the Pre-CGI body” who struggles to identify their reality and locate their past.

Technology and the digital world have become an inseparable part of human life. How do we survive in a digitized future? How can we locate our past in the future to make sense of who we are, when our past is disappearing?


----------////---- Part I


----------////---- Part III